Apart from the regular consulting hours as advertised the surgery runs a number of other services as follows.
The practice has a quarterly Diabetes clinic and a quarterly Respiratory clinic. Exact dates can be enquired. Appointments are on invitation only. These clinics are intended to improve disease control, not to diagnose new illness. The practice has a monthly anticoagulant clinic. Patients are requested to attend on the first Monday of the month in the morning with the practice nurse or the GP for blood taking and will be see on on Tuesday before noon by the GP. Please do not forget to bring your yellow book. This clinic for patients on long-term anticoagulation. Patients newly inducted on anti-coagulant medication will only be accepted from the hospital anticoagulant clinics after consultation between hospital doctor and your GP.
The practice runs a dispensary which is solely to provide prescription items to (fully or temporary) registered patients of the practice. The dispensary does not provide OTC items. Such items might be available at the post office or in the local shop.
Due to the nature of a small practice and a small dispensary not all items will always be readily available in stock. Repeat prescriptions should therefore be requested well in advance, usually at least 3 business days, before 11am.
Prescription items can be obtained during normal surgery opening times only.
Should you wish to obtain your prescription directly from a different pharmacists, please ask at the reception to obtain your prescription note.Such requests can usually be fulfilled within the same business day
Order repeats in time! Do you have enough of your essential drugs?
Repeat prescription requests can be made in person to the receptionist, by telephone during suregry hours and by letter. Should you wish to receive your prescription note by post (not the dispensed items!) please send us an SAE with suffient stamps.
Please note that the practice and dispensary does not provide prescriptions covering long-term absences from the practice area or indeed the UK. The ordinary prescibing and dispensing length is 28-30 days and exceptions will only be made on clinical grounds.
The practice is fortunate enough to have access to quite excellent dental services including a dental hygienist. Appointments can be made by phoning Helensburgh Victoria Infirmary.
Similarly we are lucky to have a visiting NHS podiatrist once a month in our practice. Appointments are by referral only.
Ladies will be invited to have this procedure every three years or occasionally more often if clinically required. Results will be provided in writing. All members of the clinical team are available to provide this screening, but routinely it is carried out by female members of staff.
Ladies will be invited to attend the mass Breast Screening Facility when it is in the area. Alternative arrangements can be made for those who have difficulties attending. If any lady is worried about a breast lump do not hesitate to contact a member of staff.
Treatment of casualties including suturing is provided as required. Where possible please telephone to let us know what has happened and you will be advised what to do. You will be required to attend at the surgery unless this is clinically not indicated.
Minor surgical procedures can be carried out at the surgery with patients consent. These are normally carried out within normal surgery hours at a time convenient to both patient and doctor.
You will be advised as to the feasibility of the procedure being carried out locally.
These are carried out in normal surgery hours. Prior explanation will be given and your consent required. Advice may be sought at an time. If travelling abroad please attend the doctor 2 months before your holiday to enable a full course of vaccination. Some vaccinations necessary for travel can be provided on the NHS, others will need to be provided privately
Every autumn we will try and offer Influenza vacccinations to everyone who might require one. Please help us to help you by attending at the designated Flu-vaccination clinics.
Dr von Kaehne is not prepared to sign the forms required to obtain a medical or surgical abortion. He will counsel you and will refer you to the nearest gynaecological service if you request a termination of a pregnancy.
This practice does not collect any ethnicity data
In general we will endeavour to provide all patients with as broad a range of primary care services as possible at the surgery. We will declare any particular personal or conscience driven conflicts or limitations openly at all times.