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The practice makes mostly use of the NHS facilities of the Vale of Leven Hospital, the Dunoon General Hospital and the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Paisley, last one mostly for emergencies.

Most of our laboratory tests are done in the Vale of Leven Hospital.

There are also various other ressources of the Argyll and Clyde Primary Care Trust we make use of, particularly dieticians, chiropodist (attends our practice), physiotherapists etc.

We will also refer to private physicians and facilities, mostly in Glasgow. Please bear in mind that in any referral by a doctor, particular to a private facility, a fair degree of responsibility remains with the referring doctor regarding the suitability of such a referral. This might restrict from time to time where we will be able and happy to refer to.


The physiotherapy department in the Vale of Leven hospital accepts now self referrals. Please phone the department to make your own arrangements under 01389 817569.

Physiotherapy is useful after injuries to recover or maintain full function of joints and muscles. It is also a very useful part of treatment for acute or chronic pains, including back pain.

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