Welcome to the Lochgoilhead Medical Centre Publication Scheme. This
is a guide to the practice Publication Scheme as required by the Freedom
of Information Act (Scotland) .
1 Introduction
This Publication Scheme is a complete guide to the information routinely
made available to the public by Lochgoilhead Medical Centre. It is
a description of the information about our General Practitioners and
Practice which we make publicly available. It will be reviewed at
regular intervals and we will monitor its effectiveness.
1.1 How much does it cost?
The publications are all free unless otherwise indicated within each
Class . Where information is provided at a cost the charges will be
calculated as set out in Class 7.
1.2 How is the information made available?
The information within each Class is available in hard copy from the practice.
1.2.1 Your rights to information
In addition to accessing the information identified in the Publication
Scheme, you are entitled to request information about 'The Surgery'
General Practice under the NHS Openness Code 1995.
- The Freedom of Information Act (Scotland) recognises that members
of the public have the right to know how public services are organised
and run, how much they cost and how the decisions are made.
- From January 1st 2005 it will oblige the General Practice to respond
to requests about information that it holds, and is recorded in any
format and it will create a right of access to that information. These
rights are subject to some exemptions which have to be taken into
consideration before deciding what information it can release.
- New environmental information regulations may be introduced as early
as 2003. These will enable similar access to environmental information
as under the Freedom of Information Act (Scotland) .
- Under the Data Protection Act (Scotland) , you are also entitled to
access your clinical records or any other personal information held
about you. For this, please contact the Practice Manager:
1.3 Feedback
If you have any comments about the operation of the Publication Scheme,
or how we have dealt with your request for information from the Scheme,
please write to the Practice Manager.
2 Classes of Information
All information at 'The Surgery' General Practice is held, retained
and destroyed in accordance with NHS guidelines. Our commitment to
publish information excludes any information which can be legitimately
withheld under the exemptions set out in the NHS Openness Code or
Freedom of Information Act (Scotland) . Where individual Classes are
subject to exemptions, the main reasons are e.g. the protection of
commercial interests and personal information under the Data Protection
Act (Scotland) . This applies to all Classes within the Publication
Scheme. The information on this Scheme is grouped into the following
broad categories:
2.1 Who we are
Details of the practice, organisational structures, key personnel
and how we fit into the NHS
This practice has a General Medical Services contract. The contract
is with: Argyll and Clyde Primary Care Trust.
The practice aims to follow National Institute for Clinical Excellence
(NICE) and National Service Framework guidelines. Copies of these
can also be found on the NICE website (www.nice.org.uk) or the Department
of Health website (www.doh.gov.uk).
The NHS is a very large part of the public sector. It is possible
to find out information about our practice, the Argyll and Clyde PCT
and other NHS services in your area by using www.show.scot.nhs.uk.
A full list of local General Practices can be found there too.
The practice provides General Medical Services for the geographical
area of Lochgoilhead and Carrick.
The names of GPs at our practice are
Dr Peter von Kaehne MRCGP DCH (Principal)
The practice also employs:
Administrative staff
- Practice manager(s)
- Practice nurse with district nurse duties
- A triple duty nurse (Healthvisitor, Midwife and Districtnurse) is
attached to the practice
A full list of the services we provide is detailed in Class 2 below.
Some information will be withheld, including personal, confidential
information about individuals which is protected by the Data Protection
Act (Scotland) .
2.2 Our services
This is the range of services we provide under the NHS:
Baby clinic (as required)
- Cervical cytology
- Child health surveillance (as required)
- Contraceptive services
- Disease management clinics (seasonal)
- District nurse
- Health promotions clinics (e.g. well man and well woman clinics)(seasonal)
- Immunisations
- Maternity medical services (as required)
- Minor surgery services
- Dispensing of pharmaceuticals to registered patients
Some of these services are provided in partnership with other agencies,
Baby Clinics provided in conjunction with Argyll and Clyde Primary
Care Trust
- Maternity Services ditto
For any policies relating to our services, please refer to Class 6.
See also our practice leaflet which is available free of charge from the practice reception.
2.2.1 Opening and closing times
The practice is open daily from 9:00 onwards until 17:30.
The telephone is manned from 8:00 until 18:00.
Ordinary consulting hours are Monday to Friday from 10:00 until 11:30
and Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 16:00 until 17:00. Other clinics
are as advertised.
On Wednesday afternoons the practice also covers for Dr Troup's surgery
in Arrochar. On Thursday afternoons Dr Troup's surgery covers for the
practice here.
Out of Hours Care is the responsibility of Argyll and Clyde Primary
Care Trust (weekdays 18:00-8:00, weekends and bankholidays all day)
2.2.2 Language and translation information:
German, Farsi and Turkish are spoken by our GP's.
2.2.3 Clinical interests at our practice:
Dr von Kaehne is interested in the treatment and care of patients
with psychiatric needs.
2.3 Financial and funding information
The 'The Surgery' receives money from Argyll and Clyde Primary Care
Trust according to its contract (as per Class 1 above) in exchange
for services provided for patients and drugs dispensed.
The total income received from the NHS before expenses in 2004/5 under
the current principal was (currently no numbers yet available)
Please see Part III for a link to the document titled <<Statement
of Fees and Allowances payable for General Medical Practitioners in
Scotland<<. Please apply to the Scottish Secretary of Health for
information on costs and the formats this is available in.
There may be circumstances where material cannot be released because
it is confidential or commercial information or the appropriate officer
designated for these purposes under the Act (Scotland) has taken the
view that it may be prejudicial to the conduct of the Practice's affairs.
2.4 Regular publications and information for the public
Information leaflets relating to the clinical services and health
services that we provide for patients and the public, and our range
of regular publications are freely available at the surgeries, in
the reception areas. Alternatively, please contact the Practice Manager
2.5 Complaints Policies, procedures and contacts for complaints
If you wish to make a complaint about any aspect of our service, you
should first contact the Practice Manager
The complaints policy for our practice can be obtained free of charge in hardcopy from the practice.
2.6 Our policies and procedures
These include (but are not restricted to) data protection, prescribing
and prescription, zero tolerance and health and safety.
We have policies available on the following:
Each of the above are available in hardcopy. If you would like a copy,
please contact the Practice Manager. Some are also available in the
Download section of this website.
2.7 This publication scheme
In this class we will publish any changes we make to this publication
scheme, the criteria on which our information management policies
are made and a referral point for all enquires regarding information
management generally in the practice. We will also publish any proposed
changes or additions to publications already available.
This and similar publication schemes are a work in process and will
be altered and adapted in accordance with new developments
The Publication scheme was updated on the 8th of November 2005, incorpating changes relating to the retiral of Dr Fettes and making it more accessible for internet publication.
2.7.1 Cost of Information
For the most part, we will charge you only for hard copies or copying
onto media (e.g. CD-ROM). Some information is available at no cost, but
for others there may be a charge. The charges will vary according
to how information is made available. Charges are as follows:
Leaflets and brochures free of charge for leaflets or booklets on,
for example, services we offer to the public. A list is available
in Class 4.
- Glossy or other bound paper copies, or in some cases a CD-ROM, video
or other mediums are for charge as in our publication lists available
from the Practice Manager.
- E-mail will be free of charge unless it says otherwise.
The charges will be reviewed regularly.
3 Useful Resources
3.1 Websites:
Argyll and Clyde Primary Care Trust www.show.scot.nhs.uk
- Information Commissioner www.informationcommissioner.gov.uk
- Lord Chancellors Department www.lcd.gov.uk
- NHS Freedom of Information www.foi.nhs.uk
- General Medical Council www.gmc-uk.org
3.2 Publications:
NHS Openness Code www.doh.gov.uk/nhsexec/codemain.htm www.doh.gov.uk/nhsexec/codeannx.htm
- FOI Act (Scotland) www.hmso.gov.uk/acts/acts2000/20000036.htm
- Statement of Fees and Allowances payable for General Medical Practitioners
in England www.doh.gov.uk/pricare/fees.htm
Copyright: Material available through this Publication Scheme is subject
to the General Practice's copyright unless otherwise indicated. Unless
expressly indicated to the contrary, it may be reproduced free of
charge in any format or medium provided it is done so accurately in
a manner which will not mislead. Where items are re-published or copied
to others, you must identify the source and acknowledge copyright
status. This permit does not extend to third party material, accessed
through the scheme. For HMSO Guidance Notes see www.hmso.gov.uk/guides.htm.
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